Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum at Jacksonville State University

Writing is a means to communicate information, to clarify thinking, and to learn new concepts and information. 学生必须练习写作,以满足专业领域的这些要求, requiring an undergraduate curriculum rich with writing opportunities. 2024欧洲杯买球玩法规则的跨课程写作是一个旨在将重要的写作经验嵌入每个学术专业的项目. 旨在强化英语写作以外的课堂写作技巧, 这种学术运动通过各种侧重于写作作为学习手段的活动,使学生直接参与到课程的主题中. 完成学位课程的学生将能够通过成功完成必修课程中的写作强化课程,在学术学科中展示有效的沟通能力.

3 Helpful Hints for Completing the WI Course Application

  1. 确保申请和证明文件清楚地说明写作作业将占整个课程成绩的百分比.
  2. 确保申请和支持文件清楚地说明如何在某些写作作业中为所有学生实施写作过程:学生草稿, receive instructor feedback, revise, then resubmit the assignment.
  3. 确保申请和支持文件明确学生将在课程中被分配多个写作作业.

Writing Across the Curriculum Mission Statement

2024欧洲杯买球玩法规则的跨课程写作(WAC)项目采用了一种哲学和教学方法,旨在加强本科教育中各个层次和学科的写作技能, 理解写作通过批判性和创造性思维使学生直接参与到课程的主题中.

What is a Writing Intensive Course? 

写作强化课程建立在英语写作课程(EH 101/102)中第一年写作经验的基础上。. 在成功完成EH 102课程后,可以尝试写作强化课程, and will be immersed within the curriculum of a student’s academic major. WI课程中的课堂项目使用写作作为一种参与思维的手段, body, 以及学生在学习某一特定学科的活动中的精神. Within a WI course, 写作的形式完全取决于在特定学科和特定课程的目标中当前和有用的写作类型. We ask students to write often, 在一个学期的课程中提交大量的写作作业. Some of these assignments may be informal, ungraded class exercises that teach critical thinking, organization and synthesis of diverse elements, summarizing skills, and awareness among students of their own learning processes. Other assignments, formal and graded, teach these same skills through careful revision and rethinking, peer evaluation, and reformulation into a finished product.

Writing Across the Curriculum Program Outcomes

Students will demonstrate

  • effective written communication abilities, particularly skills relevant to the demands of their profession.
  • 批判性思维能力,包括分析、应用和评估.
  • reflective thinking and the ability to synthesize information and ideas.
  • 意识到自己是作家,包括批评和讨论自己写作的能力.

Writing Intensive Course Learning Outcomes

教授WI课程的教师可能会在开发课程作业时考虑这些结果陈述,这些课程作业可以在获得学科成果的同时创造高影响力的写作经验, as well.

Students in a Writing Intensive course will

  1. Use frequent writing assignments, both formal and informal, to explore and articulate content knowledge specific to the discipline, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to analyze and solve problems.
  2. Produce writing that reflects an awareness of context, purpose, and audience, 特别是在他们的主要学科和/或职业领域的写作体裁.
  3. 证明他们理解写作是一个过程,可以通过完成写作的多个方面来提高效率, including brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading.
  4. 定期从熟悉该学科的教师那里获得写作反馈.

For Faculty Teaching WI Courses

教师教授WI课程的好处之一是参与一个独特的社区. 由来自许多不同学科的个人组成,具有不同的教学风格和策略, WAC的教师社区有一个共同的目标,那就是提高学生在课堂上的学习水平. 教师在课堂策略和实践中进行自我检查和评估, 重要的是要认识到,这一进程不能孤立地进行,而需要进行小组讨论, sharing commonalities and techniques, reexamining assumptions, 与其他教师合作,培养合作精神. 欧洲杯买球app的WAC项目提供了一个教师可以定期讨论教学法的论坛, bridging the gaps among disciplinary boundaries. Through this network, 课程写作使教师参与教学的内省分析, 哪一种会自动促进更强、更有自我意识的课堂练习.

WAC Committee Members

Dr. Andrea Porter, College of Arts and Humanities, Department of English

Ms. Katelyn Williams, College of Arts and Humanities, Department of English

Dr. Mark Scuichetti,科学与数学学院,化学与地球科学系

Dr. Serena Gramling,卫生专业与健康学院,护理学院

Dr. 温迪·斯蒂芬斯,教育与专业研究学院,心理咨询系 & Educational Support

Dr. 乔迪·朗,社会与行为科学学院,社会工作系

Mr. Ben Cunningham, College of Business & Industry, Department of Communication

Position Vacant, Houston Cole Library

Ms. Pamela White, Learning Services

English Competency Exam (ECE) Information

Beginning Summer 2020, the English Competency Exam (ECE) will no longer be given at 欧洲杯买球app, 欧洲经委会也不会成为2020年夏季及以后任何学生的毕业要求, no matter the year of the catalog for that student’s academic program. Students in ECE remediation are not required to retake the ECE. 

2024欧洲杯买球玩法规则认识到写作是大学教育不可缺少的一部分, 培养学生的批判性思维能力,为未来做好准备, analyze and solve problems, and express themselves to an audience in various writing situations. Therefore, in place of the ECE, 该大学已经实施了“写作贯穿课程”的方法来帮助学生提高写作技能. 欧洲杯买球app的新写作教学方法将使学生更好地掌握当今和未来工作所需的写作技能.